

01 May 2022

Appointment Scheduling Software
10 pallets to Columbus, Ohio. 15 pallets to Columbus, Georgia. Reschedule the 8:00 am to 2:00 pm. Oh, that outbound is actually an inbound!
Appointments – they’re the lifeblood of today’s logistics industry, but the process of scheduling (and rescheduling) appointments often drains the life from the people running the business. Even with full-time CSRs, the constant back-and-forth with customers is enough to frustrate anyone. Not to mention the time it takes away from the core business!
Scheduling appointments is one of those tasks you should be passing on to software—and luckily, there are great apps that make scheduling appointments online as pain-free as possible. These apps will make sure your schedule is never overbooked—and that appointments can get re-scheduled without you having to constantly double-check your calendar. What Makes a Great Appointment Scheduling App

The best software to help those in the logistics industry schedule appointments must be both easy to use in practice and comprehensive in scope. Among the different software options out there, each takes a unique approach to appointment management – but all have a few things in common:

Information Flow. In logistics, there are a lot of moving parts and important pieces of information—reminders, notifications, updates to staff schedules, BOLs, POs, other key paperwork and forms. The best appointment scheduling apps take this into account and have a system for managing your data efficiently.
Easy to Manage. The best appointment scheduling software features intuitive, easy-to-learn functions so you can get started quickly and not spend a lot of time learning your new interface. After all, you don’t want to replace your current system with a system that causes you even more hassle!
Good User Experience. It’s not enough if only your team benefits from the software. The best appointment scheduling software will provide a smooth user experience for your customers as well, so they can book appointments as they need and without any frustration.
Good User Experience. It’s not enough if only your team benefits from the software. The best appointment scheduling software will provide a smooth user experience for your customers as well, so they can book appointments as they need and without any frustration.
Comprehensiveness. Appointment scheduling software absolutely must have the power and suite of features necessary to handle everything related to booking appointments for your logistics operation – without having to jump back and forth between systems. Everything you may need, all in one place.